Walled In

The Rocket Coffins takes off into the sky as the walled in city crumbles. The rich, the powerful and the well-known escapes into space for their undistrubed eternal rest. For those who can afford such luxury, they stay trapped in this walled in city. 

The city morgue and cemetaries are filled to the brim, and casualities are only increasing as the wretched plague rampage through the city. Familiar faces now lie motionless on the street as the deceased remains a threat for infection when they are left in the residents of the living. No one gets in, no one gets out, dead or alive. The city walls remains everso durable and impassable.

The towns folk, with the last of their strength, pieced together a cremation for the dead in the city plaza. The prized fountain has long ran dry and now become the last suitable location for such funeral in this shell of a city. 

“Forgive us, and forgive this city”

The towns folk mumble as they attempt to arrange the deceased in a manner that does not omit their honor and identity.

As the flame arise from the bodies I attempt to get a last glance of those I lost through the mass of indistinguishable figures. They last wish, I bet, was to escape this plague-ridden shell of a city but they have become forever trapped within, set ablaze along with this stagnant hellscape.  

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